Blackheath Primary School

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Our Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum has been designed to specifically meet the needs of our pupils from the intent through to the implementation stage. Our seven steps underpin the core values and approach to our curriculum.

They are:

1. Reading

Pupils will have a thirst and love for reading. They will regularly read and be read a wide range of classic and popular texts that are age appropriate.

2. Experiences

Pupils will have a stunning start, marvellous middle and fabulous finish to their learning through school visits, external visitors and innovative projects. Pupils will have the experience of showcasing their knowledge and skills they have acquired in an exhibition.

3. Aspirations

Our curriculum opens pupils’ eyes to endless possibilities that prepares them to become future global citizens through our School and British Values, pupil leadership committees and community and career links.

4. Knowledge

Each lesson builds upon prior learning and provides pupils with a deep subject knowledge.  It develops pupils’ talents and interests through additional subject focus weeks which enhances subject knowledge even further.

5. Well being

Our curriculum considers and supports the mental, physical and spiritual health of all of our pupils. Opportunities are provided to promote positive learning behaviours to engage with the curriculum and keep them safe.

6. Vocabulary

Our curriculum explicitly develops and enhances pupils’ vocabulary through direct teaching of subject specific vocabulary. In response to our children’s needs, our curriculum strives to equip them with the language acquisition for communication.

7. Skills

Our curriculum enables children to acquire, practice and apply skills for lifelong learning. Skills are built upon and enhanced throughout each subject and key stage.


Key Documents

Click on the buttons below to view the curriculum content for each year group

All-Year-Group-Overviews (ID 1115)


Access to the Curriculum for SEND pupils

All children have an entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is differentiated to enable children to understand the relevance and purpose of learning activities and experience levels of understanding and rates of progress that bring feelings of success and achievement.

Teachers use a range of strategies to meet children's special educational needs. Lessons have a clear learning focus and teachers differentiate work appropriately, and use assessment to inform the next stage of learning.

We support children in a manner that acknowledges their entitlement to share the same learning experiences that their peers enjoy. Wherever possible, we do not withdraw children from the classroom situation. It may be of benefit for children with special educational needs to work within a smaller group of children with additional adult support within the classroom. However, there are times we ask the children to work in small groups, or in a one-to-one situation outside the classroom, in order to maximise learning,

Children at Blackheath Primary School have access to a range of Healthy Minds Intervention Programmes to support positive mental wellbeing.

Children who are working on personalised curriculums may have access to bespoke ‘pop-up’ interventions driven by targets outlined within their Education and Health Care Plan.


Please click on the link below for our accessibility plan

Blackheath Primary Accessibility Plan


Memorable Experiences 

Our curriculum is enriched with experiences and visits that provide opportunities for our pupils  to  develop the essential knowledge  that they need to be educated citizens. Our memorable experience map has been carefully planned to ensure that by the time they leave our school, our pupils' learning has been enhanced through a wealth of hands-on experiences making links with our local and national heritage.  

Click on the button below to view our memorable experience map


Trips-Visits-and-Visitors-2024-2025 (ID 1116)

Useful Links

2014 National Curriculum for England